Storms & peace…

With global weather patterns ever changing the outdoors, gardens, parklands, courtyards, hilltops, waterways and valleys are facing more and more challenges. Recently we have seen more changeable conditions and an increase in unprecedented events.
Some are pondering if we are on the brink of the ‘age of extinction’ with evidence showing that wildfires predicted to rise by 50% by 2100 ( To put this into context even the Arctic is shown to be under threat of Wildfires - something which may feel inconceivable as I write on this somewhat grey cold day, as around us there is rebuilding of fences, fallen trees on roads being cleared and repairs being made to shattered greenhouses after the arrival of storm Dudley who was followed in quick succession by sister storm Eunice.

You may wonder why, as a Garden Design Studio, we choose to write about these changes, wondering - how does design effect change? You may wonder how we (or indeed you the reader) can effect change globally? Where do the issues begin and how do they stop? Can we continue to evolve without causing other further damage or exacerbating the existing problems?

The answer for us as a Garden Design Studio is simply that it is core to our purpose. A design is a plan or specification for the construction of a garden/outdoor space. The design has to satisfy certain requirements, wishes and constraints and takes into account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and especially key - our designs are expected to interact with a certain environment.

All of these environmental and ethical issues are close to the heart of all of us at Mike Long Gardens. On a practical level we want to participate in being part of the solution not add to further problems. We strive to be making sure we are aware of what is happening locally and globally and the impact we as individuals and collectively have. We take responsibility and strive to be informed and educated on current thinking. Sustainability is important to us, it informs much of our work not only on a local level but because we are passionate about future generations having a beautiful world to live in. We recommend only contractors who have the best ethical practices and help to advise, encourage and assist clients to create the best peaceful, stimulating and sustainable outdoor spaces.

So as we wait for storm…Freddie, Francis, Florence or whomever comes next, at Mike Long Gardens we continue to develop sustainable, practical, ethically viable garden designs that aim to withstand the tests they are designed to meet and continue to bring joy that inspires more than just peace today, but for the future too.

Please do get in touch with us if you would like to know more…

Image Credit : David Bridges


Springing into Marvellous March


November Modern Gardens magazine